Clutter, Clutter Everywhere? Try This!

  I recently had an excellent session with a client. No, she didn't have clutter in the regular sense, but we had some great discussions around mental clutter, digital clutter and those piles that do inevitably accumulate around the house. As we were talking about each item in turn, I realized something that had never occurred to me [...]

10 Tips to Defeat the Avoidance Monster

Have you had the experience of avoiding a project over and over and having no idea why? Me, too. Avoidance is a common behavior when we feel overwhelmed or anxious about a project. Here are 5 tips to help you stop avoiding:   Break it down Sometimes a project can feel overwhelming when viewed as [...]

16 Ways to be Kind to Yourself as a Business Owner

This year has been all about health for me: Reducing the hours I work, joining a gym with my husband and finding a therapist are some of the big changes I've made. However, I don't always remember that adding new things, healthy things, to my daily and weekly routines means that I don't have [...]

How to Change Your Download Settings

I have worked with countless clients who have the hardest time finding files after they download them from the internet. Can you relate? The moment someone mentions a downloads issue, I immediately teach them this little-known secret in the technology world: You can change a setting in your web browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari) [...]

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