Clutter, Clutter Everywhere? Try This!

  I recently had an excellent session with a client. No, she didn't have clutter in the regular sense, but we had some great discussions around mental clutter, digital clutter and those piles that do inevitably accumulate around the house. As we were talking about each item in turn, I realized something that had never occurred to me [...]

The Value of Password Managers

Okay, all cards on the table - I don't have a degree in IT (Information Technology), so the things that I share with you are from my experience over 10 years of working with folks on their computers. I think this fact actually helps me to better serve you because I'm not trained in all [...]

Oh, Time – What an Amazing Thing

I have to tell you - I have been stinkin' busy for the last two months! I am so grateful for my wonderful clients and the new opportunities I've been a part of, but I'm tired! I know you get it. So, why am I telling you this? Because I wanted to ruminate on [...]

Lessons Learned on the Road to Virtual Group Training

Today I want to share with you how long it has taken to get my virtual Group Training program off the ground. I want to be honest about this because hopefully you'll see that whatever project or dream you've had simmering for years can still become a reality. I have been in business since 2011, [...]

Lessons I Learned From Losing My Facebook Account

Lessons I Learned From Losing My Facebook Account I know, after reading that title, you're probably wondering how a technology trainer could have technology trouble. But I promise I'm just like you with a little extra technology background and experience sprinkled in. And as much as I excel in Windows and email programs, there was [...]

Use Folder Set Templates to Save Time

Imagine that next month you suddenly get an unexpected huge inflow of clients from a marketing piece you created. Will you be overwhelmed by the number of new folders and documents you need to create to service those clients? Did you know that you can create sets of folders and documents as templates so that it's [...]

5 Tips to Increase Your Gmail Productivity

Today we'll talk about ways to be productive in Gmail. A lot of my clients are intimidated by Gmail because it looks so different from other email programs. When my husband first started using Gmail, he hated it. However, after taking some time to get used to how Gmail works and implementing some of the [...]

What is the Cloud?

What is "The Cloud" anyway?? It's much simpler than most people realize: It is almost anything that exists online (on the internet). Your email is in the cloud, Facebook is in the cloud, Netflix is in the cloud, and any other program you use through a website. Those websites have servers (master computers) that [...]

All about Digital Photos – August Tuesday Tech Training Videos

What a glorious feeling to be on vacation, taking tons of pictures with your phone or camera. Making memories! But when you get home, the number of photos you took smacks you in the face, and you feel completely overwhelmed. That usually leads to taking no action to use or enjoy your photos. This [...]

All about Zoom – July Tuesday Tech Training Videos

With the new virtual world everyone was pushed into this year, many are struggling to keep up with the technology required to stay relevant. To help those who feel they aren't tech-savvy, we've created a new video series - Tuesday Tech Training. This month was all about Zoom. Click the pictures below to access [...]

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