Efficiency is Meaningless Without Impact

Ten years ago I was working in the customer service department of a large company, and I knew something was missing. I had helped my department create processes and efficiency, but how was I making a difference in the world? Although it was a good job with good people, I didn't feel like I was making a [...]

Good Triggers and Bad Triggers

My life has been full lately - in both the good and bad ways. Everything from covid to an amazing month for my business have reminded me about triggers. First, I'll talk about what I would call the "bad" triggers. These are the things that set us off, also known as the "buttons" that can be [...]

Make Sure Your Time is Really Your Time

Lately I've been struggling to keep up with everything, and I end up dipping into time I had set aside for myself. Can you relate? My suggestion to you (and to me) is to make sure your time is really your time. What I mean by this is to set the boundary that once you put [...]

Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

I don't think it's been listed as a true medical condition yet, but Information Overload is a very real, very unhealthy problem. And I have it. I'll just put it out there. Should I quarantine? Haha. Do you have it? Many of us do, but we don't want to admit it. Information overload is when you [...]

2025-02-14T01:36:17-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Email, Home Office Organizing, Perfectionism, Productivity, Time Management|Comments Off on Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

Are There Shortcuts in Life?

  I had a great conversation with my client today about people who sign up for programs expecting the "get rich quick" schemes. We were dismayed at the number of people who won't take any action when they realize they've found a program that takes effort and time, even though it will likely create lasting wealth when [...]

Clutter, Clutter Everywhere? Try This!

  I recently had an excellent session with a client. No, she didn't have clutter in the regular sense, but we had some great discussions around mental clutter, digital clutter and those piles that do inevitably accumulate around the house. As we were talking about each item in turn, I realized something that had never occurred to me [...]

Oh, Time – What an Amazing Thing

I have to tell you - I have been stinkin' busy for the last two months! I am so grateful for my wonderful clients and the new opportunities I've been a part of, but I'm tired! I know you get it. So, why am I telling you this? Because I wanted to ruminate on [...]

Lessons Learned on the Road to Virtual Group Training

Today I want to share with you how long it has taken to get my virtual Group Training program off the ground. I want to be honest about this because hopefully you'll see that whatever project or dream you've had simmering for years can still become a reality. I have been in business since 2011, [...]

Seize the Opportunity

One of the main pieces of advice I give when mentoring is to be open to opportunities, no matter how off-the-wall or alarmingly huge they may seem. I've been presented with opportunities ranging from speaking for free at networking events and doing a podcast interview to speaking at a national conference and creating a partnership. Every [...]

Dream Big

I was doing a little professional development and started a course by Tony Robbins. It's called "The Time of Your Life." Literally 5 minutes in, I had a mind-blowing moment. Tony talked about making sure that no matter what we do, we should know what we want. It's the next thing he said that [...]

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