Have you had the experience of avoiding a project over and over and having no idea why? Me, too.
Avoidance is a common behavior when we feel overwhelmed or anxious about a project.

Here are 5 tips to help you stop avoiding:

Break it down

Sometimes a project can feel overwhelming when viewed as a whole. Try breaking it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This can help you feel more in control and make it easier to tackle the project.

Set realistic goals

It’s important to set achievable goals for yourself. Start with something small and work your way up. This will help you build momentum and avoid feeling discouraged.


Create a schedule

Set aside specific times each day or week to work on the project. This will help you stay on track and make steady progress.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions can make it easy to avoid a project. Try to eliminate or minimize any distractions that might prevent you from working on the project. This could mean turning off your phone, closing your email, or finding a quiet place to work.

Get support

Sometimes, talking to someone about your project can help you feel more motivated. Find a friend, family member, or coworker who can offer encouragement and support.

Remember, avoiding a project will only make it more difficult in the long run. By taking small steps and focusing on the task at hand, you can overcome your avoidance and complete the project successfully.

But what if you try to do some of the tips above and you still can’t get started? Getting started can be the hardest part, so here are 5 more tips to help you take that first step:

Set a timer

Set a timer for a short period of time, such as 10 or 15 minutes, and commit to working on the project for that amount of time. Once the timer goes off, you can take a break or continue working if you feel motivated to do so.

Start with the easiest task

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the project, start with the easiest task on your list. Completing a smaller task can help build momentum and make it easier to tackle the larger, more difficult tasks.

Find an accountability partner

Share your goals with a friend or family member and ask them to hold you accountable for making progress on the project. Knowing that someone else is counting on you can be motivating.

Visualize the end result

Imagine how you will feel once the project is completed. Visualizing the end result can help you stay focused on the goal and motivate you to take action.

Just start

Sometimes, the best way to get started is to just start. Set aside any fears or doubts and take that first step. Once you start working on the project, you may find that it’s not as daunting as you thought it would be.

Remember that it’s normal to feel resistance, avoidance or procrastination when facing a challenging task or project. However, by taking small steps and using these strategies, you can overcome your avoidance and make progress on your project.