About Melanie Hensley

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So far Melanie Hensley has created 26 blog entries.

Have You Forgotten Your Big Rocks?

Have You Forgotten Your Big Rocks? Lately, I've been reminded from many different sources that you have to decide what's most important in your life and prioritize those things. Put them in your schedule. Give them the honor of being your most important things. It doesn't matter whether those things include people, your health, your [...]

Use Folder Set Templates to Save Time

Imagine that next month you suddenly get an unexpected huge inflow of clients from a marketing piece you created. Will you be overwhelmed by the number of new folders and documents you need to create to service those clients? Did you know that you can create sets of folders and documents as templates so that it's [...]

How to Change Your Download Settings

I have worked with countless clients who have the hardest time finding files after they download them from the internet. Can you relate? The moment someone mentions a downloads issue, I immediately teach them this little-known secret in the technology world: You can change a setting in your web browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari) [...]

Outlook Productivity in a Nutshell

With a lot of us working from home, hopefully the following Outlook productivity tips will help you increase the work you're able to accomplish. Choose the one idea that resonates the most with you and start to implement it, one small step at a time.    Create Rules so that Outlook does some of [...]

5 Tips to Increase Your Gmail Productivity

Today we'll talk about ways to be productive in Gmail. A lot of my clients are intimidated by Gmail because it looks so different from other email programs. When my husband first started using Gmail, he hated it. However, after taking some time to get used to how Gmail works and implementing some of the [...]

Ways to Combat Digital Hoarding

This is a topic near and dear to my heart. I will readily admit that I have some digital hoarding tendencies. See if you relate to some of these scenarios: Oh, that video on Facebook looks fun, but I don't have time to watch it now, I'll put it in [...]

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